
Tata’s Nano low on safety worst on environment

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We understand, every indian dream of the american life, their high living standard and style. They want to copy it. Now Look at the Tata's highly advertised 2700$ car which will force other manufacturers to lower their rates also, infact lower the quality to keep the margin profit. But now on the other side if you look at the Indian roads, they are full of Traffic Jams. Poor road management, Infrastructure is missing and in some major Indian cities, it can be a surprise if you are able to drive at ease during office hours.

Indian Environmentalists have started to forsee the worsening level of pollution in near future. The damage to environment and public health comes from many directions.

So The $2700 car from Tata is a dream for Indians. But it comes with false American dream that can push India towards environmental catastrophe.